Photo software 3d Materialise Build Processor

Materialise Build Processor


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Get the Most Out of Your 3D Printing Machine

3D printing machines are complex, and getting the desired result requires knowledge of machineParameters, processes and materials. To match software with hardware and reduce the complexity of 3D Printing for a wide range of users, the Materialise Build Processor simplifies machine communication through a straightforward user interface. Materialise has strong partnerships with the majority of leading AM machine manufacturers worldwide and several key CAD/CAM software manufacturers. For independent software vendors, the Materialise Build Processor offers a single API interface. We provide the software platform and toolbox, then the system manufacturer feeds it with process-specific knowledge. Together we bridge the gap between 3D printers and enable game-changing applications.


3D printing machines are complex works of art that require machine parameter knowledge to get the desired result. The Materialise Build Processor is the technology within the Materialise Magics 3D Print Suite that takes care of communication between software and 3D printing machines, reducing the complexity of 3D Printing for you. Discover its extensive range of machine-specific and technology-neutral solutions.

Features of Materialise Build Processor

Data Processing                         

  • Process compensations
  • Slicing and slice-based data
  • Slice post-processing
  • Integrated supports

Process Integration

  • Machine integration
  • Client-server set-up
  • Front-end software integration

Additional Features

  • Material and build-time estimation
  • Material development module

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