Photo software 3d Materialise SurgiCase

Materialise SurgiCase


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Simplified planning and ordering of implants

Personalized care is moving from novel to mainstream. When it comes to adopting personalized devices, however, there are still considerable hurdles such as administrative overhead for physicians and operational inefficiencies for companies.

Materialise SurgiCase is an online case management platform built to enhance physician experience and boost operational excellence. By drawing on Materialise’s 20 years of expertise in optimizing personalized device processes, SurgiCase is designed to power seamless case ordering and planning processes.

Why choose Materialise SurgiCase?  

  • Improve physician collaboration

Give physicians the kind of user experience they have come to expect, with an intuitive cloud-based interface that is tailored to your brand.

  • Streamline your operations​

Increase efficiency and reduce risks by strengthening your quality management system.

  • Customize and scale​

Configure the setup and workflows to align with your needs and adjust easily to growing demands.

  • Build on ​experience​

Rely on a trusted solution designed by one of the leading providers of personalized medical devices.  

Materialise SurgiCase

Easily upload DICOM images

Facilitate transfer of DICOM images from hospitals or scanning centers through data upload. 

Materialise SurgiCase

Interactive image viewer

Allow physicians to inspect and approve planning and device design through an interactive viewer combining 2D and 3D images.

Materialise SurgiCase

Efficient case tracking

Allow physicians and staff to provide input regarding the required specs including service, delivery date, address, patient information, and track the progress of ongoing cases.

Materialise SurgiCase

Optimal case management

Maintain an overview of all ongoing cases, store case data, and design history files; track progress; get physician approvals; manage role-based user rights.

Materialise SurgiCase

Custom branding​

Add your logo and brand colors to the user interface for a consistent customer experience.

Materialise SurgiCase


Monitor operational performance by generating reports of case progress.

Materialise SurgiCase is part of Mimics Innovation Suite, the most advanced toolkit for engineering on anatomy.


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